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自 2006 年以来一直忠实做志愿者

Kathy Jackson

"Miss Kathy" as she's affectionately known, has used her many talents to support Millennia's mission. She faithfully helps with events, prepares hot meals, and delivers "Bless the Block" groceries within our local community. She even brings her grandchildren along and is building a legacy of generosity for generations to come.

It's more difficult to find ways in which she doesn't contribute than the endless ways she does. She's always ready & willing to answer the call... from coordinating holiday events & fundraisers to even joining us on our Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) mission trip. Miss Kathy is a gem and we are blessed to have her on our team.


Thank you Kathy! 

I do a lot of volunteering in different areas with Millennia Ministries. For example, helping Mrs. Opal, our Isaiah’s Food Pantry  Coordinator. It is the joy of my life to volunteer in such a joyful place. It is all about the value of giving your time and knowing that whatever skill you have is able to be used. No training needed.


It’s not what you have but who you are. The people in one of the African communities we look to support and visited, give everything to help each other. Despite originally not having running water, toilets, or even beds, they were very resourceful, helping to provide for one another.


The orphaned children spanned from ten to eighteen years old. Although they had lost their parents in the coo, it was humbling to observe how they still have love and rhythm in their hearts, smiles on their faces, and much generosity. We hope to bring a bit of that hope and spirit to the Snohomish County community. We'd love to have your help! 

Miss Kathy ~


祝福街区 2024 年 6 月
祝福街区 2024 年 6 月
2024年11月16日 09:00 – GMT-8 12:00
美国华盛顿州埃弗里特百老汇 3426 号 邮编 98201




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然而,在你去做之前,你必须真正了解你是谁。约翰福音 15 章说我们要彼此相爱,为彼此献出生命。我们被选中并被放在这个世界上是为了结出果实——不会腐烂的果实。

Millennia Ministries 追随耶稣,我们希望做他所做的事……这可以用以赛亚书 58 运动来定义。‘打破不公正的锁链,解放被压迫者,与饥饿者分享食物,为无家可归者提供住所,为无衣无食者提供衣物和食物,不要抛弃自己。摆脱不公平的做法,停止责备受害者,停止闲言碎语,为穷困潦倒的人奉献自己。’

我们希望您能加入我们,成为捐助者和/或志愿者,并忙于做我们天父的工作。我们祈祷您花时间与我们合作 Millennia 将为你的生活带来巨大的祝福,因为你 用上帝赋予你的天赋去祝福别人吧!”

Leilani 和 David Miller

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