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Of Gratitude

Undying Gratitude

Single Mom of Six

Dear Millennia, I Just want to give all my love and gratitude for everything you have done for me and all that your organizations have done for us.


I can tell you, with absolution, I have never felt so light in the last 13 years. I've had to be in survival mode since a child, but I haven't been able to breath since the year before I had to lay my parents to rest. This is the first full week that l have been able to stop and play with my babies, stop and listen to their stories , stop and look into their eyes and give my focus in the moment that we are living without having to run or look for safety, find a way to eat, find a way to get warmth or stress on what I'm going to do to hold us together just one more day /night .


I will never be able to repay what you all have done to bless me. The weight that each one of you took from my family and I, all the behind the scenes hours you gave.  I may not personally be aware of it all, but I know you all were an imperative and important part of helping me drop the bricks of burdens weighing me down. My journey has always had shining rays of beauty even in the darkness, but the beauty has never shinned so brightly as it is now.


I hope that at the end of the hard days, when you have been overworked and possibly under appreciated or even overlooked you can remember how much you changed my world, touched my soul, and gave me warmth when all I had felt was cold. For me, Millennia will always be seen for all the work your team invests into our community. Thank you, sincerely from the bottom of my heart and depths of my soul. You saved us.

Mother and Daughter Love

Test to Testimony

Single Mom of Three

I moved into the Worship House in January of 09' with two of my boys who were 3 months and 3 years at the time. I didn't know it at the time, but it was the biggest blessing I'd ever had. Millennia has changed my boy's and l's life and we wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for the Ministry and of course Jesus!

Millennia Ministries is not only about housing families and feeding the masses but it's about compassion, forgiveness, and true support. The most important thing that I gained from Millennia was what it felt like to be loved by Jesus. I never had a loving and supportive family growing up but God put me with an amazing family and I got double for my trouble.


During my stay with the ministry I learned how to be a better mother, the importance of a God driven life, and how to forgive MYSELF and others. I also had the opportunity to be a House Mom, work at the consignment shop that the Ministry operated, and to be of help and assistance in any way that I could. All those things helped me to grow and make a difference in other people's lives.


Because of the help and love that I was given through Millennia I can truly say that I am proud of myself. Now,  today we have our own place, each with our own room which is a HUGE deal.


I have had the same job for 4 1/2 years. My boys and I are happy, healthy and building a life together as a family. And yes, there still are hurdles and mountains to move but with the Love of Jesus and the many life long lessons that I learned and was taught from Millennia I am at peace and have the confidence that it'll only get better from here. 

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Image by Chayene Rafaela



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Your substantial donation greatly impacts the programs we can offer those in need.

Thank you!

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Your gift ensures those in need get to enjoy special occasions and holidays, too.

Thank you!

It’s my birthday I can cry if I want too

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Do you or someone you know, work for an organization that would like to provide resources to help further the work of Millennia? We would love to meet them and you. 

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lives transformed because of your support

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